COVID-19 Recovery Guidelines
2021-2022 Mainstage Season
Woodford Theatre cares deeply for our community and commits to continually evaluating our health and safety protocols to reflect the guidance of the CDC and to align with state, local, and federal regulations.
Recent recommendations from the CDC, our state government, and the Woodford County Health Department have noted the importance of wearing masks indoors, regardless of vaccination status, to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The safety of our patrons, artists, staff and volunteers will always be our top priority. At this time, Woodford Theatre recommends that all individuals wear a mask while inside the theatre and maintain social distancing, whenever possible, in the lobby.
What to expect from us:
- Disposable masks will be available in the WT Box Office.
- Multiple hand sanitizing stations will be positioned around the theatre and in the lobby.
- Woodford Theatre staff and volunteers will be frequently wiping down high touch areas: arm rests, handrails, door handles, tables, etc.
- Chairs and surfaces in the lobby and inside the theatre will be disinfected after each performance.
These guidelines are subject to change. Your understanding, flexibility, and cooperation are greatly appreciated. Thank you for supporting the arts in your community!